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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Are You a Competitor? World Wide Wod Gym Resolutions 2014

I love competition. I have ever since I was young. However I was always part of a team. I wasn't much for individual competition. Too much of a spotlight on you. 

Now that I'm a little more mature, finding a competitive outlet has been hard. For the longest I wasn't in good enough shape to be a part of a team sport. I ran for a while but that really got to aggravate my Rheumatoid Arthritis Disease and I was never a fast enough runner to be competitive at races. 

Now that I'm on track with my fitness and have the RAD under better control, I have the competitive juices flowing once again. This past weekend I competed in my 2nd CrossFit competition and had a serious blast. 

The competition was the World Wide Wod Gym Resolutions. This was a competition that my home box hosted however the scores were submitted and compared nationally to other folks across the country. 

I competed in the 40 year old Scaled division however there was actually no difference between my workout and the younger female scaled athletes. However, since I am still trying to get my double unders (jump rope) I was not able to compete in the RX division. I'm still pretty new to the Cross Fit competition scene so that was fine by me.

It was a great day and when all was said and done, I came in 8th in the nation. I am extremely happy with that and know that my training is spot on at this point. 

Here is a breakdown of the WODS: 

“Helena” 12:00min Time Cap
 Master SC 40 – 2rds of 21x 1.5pood (men)/1pood (women) KBswings,12x jumping pull ups, 200x Single jump rope.

“Karena”: 5:00 min time cap
Complete 60 situps as a “buy in” then wallballs till the clock runs out
Competitor chooses ball weight.
Throw to the normal marks (boys 10feet / girls 8feet)
There is no difference between RX, Scaled, and Beginner.

“Grace”: 6min cut off (if incomplete you will enter the number of reps completed at 6 minutes)
WOD: 30x clean (muscle, power, squat) and jerk/press/push press (aka ground to overhead with a stop at the shoulders).
Masters Scaled 40 = 95#, women = 65#

Love CrossFit and so happy to have the opportunity to  compete as a Masters athlete.

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