Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Thursday, December 26, 2013
Part II: Exercise Planning
I’m going to
start this post with some familiar words;
the first of the year approaching, you are going to be blasted from every
direction about the one and only exercise plan to get you the body of your
dreams. Well it all sounds great but the truth is, one size does not fit all.
And a really deeper truth is that you are more awesome than you realize right
now! Because you are caught up in your outer packaging you probably don’t see
that. I know how it is because I speak from experience. I was so focused on the
goal of weight loss that I didn’t even focus on the way I felt or the extra
energy I had etc. I only felt accomplishment or disgust based on the all
powerful number on the scale. And when that number went up, I gave up.
what is different for me this time?
A change in
really was a mind shift. Change your mind, change your body. Now I don’t want
to mislead you and say that every day, every hour and every second I have this
mind and body thing figured out, because that would be a load of bull. But I can
say that more often than not, I feel really good about myself. You can ask my
husband and he’ll tell you that he hears a lot of comments from me about my
level of hotness.
the past I would approach exercise with an all or nothing mentality. I started
hard and when I crashed and burned I did that hard as well. Then I often dealt
with injury or over training. That led me to feel like a failure and there we
have that self-fulfilling prophecy. Also
in the past I was stuck in the cardio hamster wheel. I thought that you had to run
or step or bike or jump around for at least an hour but maybe more if you were
really serious. I thought you had to punish yourself. I believed in the no pain
no gain mentality. After all, I let myself get to the overweight point so I
deserved to suffer right? And once again the self-fulfilling prophecy occurred because
really who can keep up that punishment/pain cycle. You don’t like being
punished and so you avoid it and once again failure.
what did I do differently this time?
had been a couple years since my last real attempt at exercise and in that time
I had been diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis Disease. That diagnosis clicked
something in my brain and I actually thought that maybe I should slow down and
treat my body like it was about to break. Running distance was out the window for
me so I thought about Yoga. I’d actually loved Yoga in the past and always came
away feeling refreshed and centered. Wow, what a novel idea! Actually doing something
you loved that made you feel good. Hmm. That was new. So I faithfully did Yoga
three times a week for about 6 months. You know what happened? I enjoyed it and
got stronger and had less pain and actually felt good about myself. I regained
some range of motion I had lost with the running. (Not trying to pick on running. I
once loved it.) Then
I started thinking about further strengthening my muscles. Weight lifting was not
new to me so I started out slowly doing some lifting and continuing with Yoga.
After several months I added 10 minute finishers to the mix and BAM! Things
started really happening. I had built up muscle and now I was burning off fat.
It seemed like over-night work to people around me, but really I had been going
at it for about 6 months.
is something about weight training and lifting heavy things that make you feel,
well strong. That might sound dumb, but especially for women, and those around
40, this is a real mind boost. I have always been strong, but until now have
not felt ok with being
strong. It often isn’t viewed as feminine or very acceptable in my
circle or at my age. Well another little secret that I have found is that I
feel more feminine and beautiful as a strong woman with muscles than I ever
felt as an overweight woman. I’m a stone cold fox and those are crazy words
coming from someone who couldn’t have felt farther from that just a couple of
years ago. Self-esteem breeds self-compassion, motivation and dreams. So the
exercise part coupled with the motivation part can be an extremely powerful
combination to get started.
Here are my
suggestions for getting started with exercise:
a. Write
down 4-5 small goals to work towards in the first 2 months.
How about
something like this: 1.
Twenty sit-ups in a row. 2. Exercise 3 days a week. 3. 10 push-ups 4. Walk
10,000 steps a day at least 4 days a week. 5. Stretch for 10 minutes 4 days a
week, etc.
are small things that for most are totally attainable. That is what you want.
You want to lay down some patterns the first few months. You want to gain some
victories. You want to enjoy what you do and start seeing exercise as just
something that is part of your life. See yourself as someone who sets goals and
reaches them. This goal setting is a step to revisit every few months so your
growing fitness can grow bigger and bigger goals.
b. Add
weight training to the mix as early as you feel comfortable. As women (and especially a
little more mature women) we have been duped into believing that weight
training is only for men. And that women should stay on the weight machines or
they will turn into big bulky scary manly meatheads. That stuff is just all
lies. #1 if you want a solid shapely figure, weights are your friend. If you
want to protect against osteopenia and osteoporosis, then weights are your
friend. If you want to burn crazy amounts of fat and calories, then weights are
your friend. And above all, you will not get bulky! I know my physique is a little
more bulky than most, but my genes dictate that. I’ve always been thicker than
other women. I’ve always carried more muscle mass. Most women don’t and the
body builders you may have seen pictures of, work for years to get that
physique and may use “products” to boost the Testosterone in their bodies to
crazy levels. Trust me, the average woman cannot even come close to bulking
without very concentrated effort. It is not something that just happens from
picking up weights a few times a week. PLEASE LET THAT MYTH DIE!
c. Use
short finishers.
A finisher is
a short little cardio hit at the end of a weight training session. I added
these finishers at around the 4th month into my exercise plan. They
generally were 10 minutes, more or less, depending on how I felt. I like jump
rope and kettlebells, so I did a lot of jumping and swinging 30 seconds and
resting a minute. As I got into better shape, I cut the rest down. As I got
into even better shape I cut the rest down and upped the work time. But I
always kept some rest in there. Resting a little allows you to push a little
harder while you are working. These finishers give your metabolism a huge hit
and allow you to burn fat and calories hours after you are done. They are no
joke! You do not have to run or even walk for hours to get results. Finishers
are my magic. You can also do these with sprints, weights, kettlebells or body
weight movements like push-ups, burpees, sit-ups. The combinations are endless.
yourself some slack.
Have you seen this drawing about success?
There are going to be down
times. You are going to flub up. So what! You are not a failure because of
those. You are human and those perceived failures will teach you things to help
you get to an even greater level. Get over yourself and dust your britches off
and get back to work as soon as you can. Put in work and be patient. You’ll get
e. Ask
for help.
If you have
never exercised before or if you don’t know how to lift weights or jump rope or
whatever, think about asking someone for a little guidance. You might want to
hire a trainer for an hour to show you a few things or to set you up a training
plan. You might want to talk with a friend that has experience to get some
advice. It may save you time, mental energy and maybe injury if you get a
little help.
exercise as a priority.
Make it happen. Obviously if you are injured or sick, rest. But if you are just
feeling tired or letting excuses get in the way, stop it. Nip that in the bud. Would
you skip an important medication? Go back to the motivation work you did and
remind yourself why you want to be healthier. We know when we are sliding. Don’t
punish yourself over it but definitely fight the urge to slack. You’ll be glad
you did. After a few months of consistent work you will have built a positive
habit and it will not be quite as difficult to get the workouts done.
this method is not for everyone. It may be a good fit for the beginner but not
the advanced athlete. Use it for what it is. A place to start.
Adapt and change it to fit you.
truly believe that exercise is good medicine. I use it like that. It allows me
to live a more active life. And study after study shows us the benefits of
exercise. When you get your motivation on tract, add in exercise and you’ll
reap great rewards.
up in our three part series, nutrition!
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Planning For a Change
The other day I posted a little motivational blurb on my FaceBook page Fitness Bitness . When I
thought a little bit more about it, I realized that it wasn’t as little as it
appeared. Lots of info in just a few words.
Little steps can lead to a big change. But no
steps lead nowhere.
If you are not ready to step out today, then
start formulating your plan for the day that you are ready. Start working on
the following:
1. Positive Motivation Plan- identify what
motivates you and how you will use that to your advantage.
2. Exercise Plan - List some exercises to start
daily. Just a few reps will do at first.
3. Healthy Food Plan - List a handful of ways you
can clean up your diet. Try adding 1 thing at a time.
Remember to make your plan for a beginner.
Biggest Loser style is a fantasy. Try to keep it simple and relatively easy
at first. Lay down some positive patterns then you will be able to build on
that foundation more successfully.
And one last really important piece of advice;
Believe in yourself! I believe in you.
I thought it might be helpful to break this puppy down and
do a three part series on planning for a change.
I am a huge planner. I love lists, tables, sticky notes. I’m
a visual planner. I like to see my tasks laid out before me. Use to I could
keep all this stuff in my head, but 40 came a knockin’ and something had to
give a little.
So first things first. What is the best method to plan your
new health and fitness attack? What is the best diet? What is the best
motivation? What is the best exercise plan? I have opinions, big ones. You want
to hear mine?
This may come as confusing
to some and a relief to others, but, listen close. Are you ready for it?
My techniques are not best for
everyone and your techniques may only be good for you. The best is what works
best for you right now. It may not work best for you in the future. This is
where we have to learn what works and stick with it only as long as it works
for us. Then we reassess and reapply new techniques. We are always a work in
progress. Always.
That being out of the way, I’ll
address some ideas you may be able to use to help get you started on setting up
a plan that works for you. Because one thing is for sure, failing to plan is
planning to fail.
So that facebook post above ended
with the call for belief in yourself. I think that if you can harness that
positive mindset in the beginning, your battle is already won. Honestly, I
didn’t have that in the beginning. I had some fierce determination. But belief
that I would change lagged
behind a good deal until I started seeing bigger changes.
So how I actually started was I
sat down with a notebook and wrote down what I wanted to change. Of course it
was solely focused on losing weight. That was the goal. Then I wrote down 8
reasons why I wanted to lose weight. You know things like feel better, fit in
my clothes better, inspire others, etc. Next I asked myself, how my life would
be better if I lost weight. I really tried to paint a picture here. I wanted it
to be vibrant and imaginative. I wanted to be able to read that list and almost
feel what I wanted. Then I made the list of how my life would be if I didn’t
lose weight. Of course that list was made up of the way a currently felt. And
then the last list I wrote was how I would get healthy. The nuts and bolts of
the plan I wanted to start with. It addressed beginning exercises and beginning
diet plan. I then weighed myself and took measurements and took pictures. My
weight and my measurements mean very little to me now. I have progressed past
those rudimentary marks of success, but in the beginning they meant everything.
The photos tell a much better story
however. It was hard to take the photos but I’m glad I did.
Now I would suggest you approach
things a little differently. You know keep a little of the old and throw in a
dash of the new. Always be learning and refining your approach. So here is what
I would suggest you do as a beginner looking to start somewhere in addressing
your health and fitness.
1. Get
a notebook and actually write out this stuff. Invest some serious time and
thought in your answers. Address the following:
What is the goal? Lose weight is the most common
answer. I would suggest listing 3-5 goals with 2-3 of them not pertaining to
your appearance. It could be something like drop your cholesterol number or
lower your blood pressure or have more energy, etc. Try to keep from the whole
process being about the book cover. The contents of the book are more important
after all.
Then list out why you want these goals. Be
specific. You want to be able to come back to this list as motivation. As a
reminder to why you are on this journey.
Next list how your life will be better when you
reach these goals. Again, be specific and use sensory words. Feelings, what you
will be able to do or wear. How you will act and move. I’m actually looking at
my list and I have seen every one of my responses come to pass. But you know
what? I’ve gained so much more than those 8 responses I wrote down. The journey
just keeps getting better and better.
Now list how your life will be if you don’t meet
your goals. And don’t dwell in this spot to long. It really is time to stop
living in this negative world and move your mind to the positive possibility
And lastly for this section, list some things
that motivate you. It could be success stories or videos. It could be
motivational signs and sayings. Maybe it could even be fitness blogs (hint
hint) or accountability groups. What gets you fired up? Write it down. These
will be the things that you go to daily if needed to pump yourself up. You
don’t just get motivation out of thin air. It’s cultivated. It’s tended and
added a little at a time. Motivation and mindset are very closely related.
Mindset being how I see myself and motivation being the force used upon your
mind to get your actions in line with your vision for change. With good motivation, you can literally change
your mind.
If you will
start with this motivational part, then you will have a framework to go back to when
the going gets tough. You can remind yourself of where you are headed and why
you want to head there. Motivation kept me going on the days I just didn’t
care. Some motivational facebook pages kicked me into high gear or inspired me
when I was about to throw in the towel. Set yourself up for the win by surrounding
yourself with constant and positive messages.
Next post, we
will delve into Exercise planning!
Friday, December 13, 2013
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Monday, December 9, 2013
Monday Morning Inspiration
Let’s get to know an
inspirational woman today. Shawna is a follower of Fitness Bitness and like me
is a CrossFitter at CFB. (Have I mentioned today that I love CrossFit?) I
haven’t had the privilege of working out with her because she gets up way too
early for me. But I know we’ll meet eventually. Shawna has only been
CrossFitting a couple of months but she competed in her first event just a few
days ago. Her determination is crazy powerful.
to know you!
1. Age:
2. Favorite Exercise:
3. Hobbies
4. Have you always
loved fitness?
5. What motivates you?
6. What fitness plans
or goals do you have for the future?
are Shawna's responses:
1. I am 39 years old
2. Crossfit is the only
exercise I have done for more than a couple of days.
3. I love crafting I
make and sell all kinds of crafts.
4. I have never liked fitness. I have been
overweight my entire adult life and have never felt comfortable working out
anywhere until I joined CFB.
5. My goal of being healthy by 40 is a big
motivator and the people at the box help me stay motivated. Some like yourself
I have never met in person but yet they continue to post on my wall and inspire
6. I want to continue
to grow stronger and get better at crossfit.
I love seeing strength
and fitness click with folks. That is inspiring to me.
To find a sport or an
exercise or a group fitness class you can become passionate about is a major
gift. And when you share your passion with others, it’s a gift that can keep on
giving (or annoying.)
Congrats Shawna! And
good luck on your journey and on your next competition!
Never, ever give up!
Friday, December 6, 2013
Best Soup EVAH!
nothing hits the spot on a cold wintery day like soup. A mug of soup is so
comforting to me. I remember as a kid, my mom making bowls of Campbell’s Tomato
Soup. I loved that stuff.
a fan of the canned stuff now, but I still make soup often especially in the
of my absolute fav’s is Butternut Squash. A little sweet, a little salty, smooth
and garlicky with a little crunch, mmmm. Making myself hungry.
if I tell you a secret will you keep it to yourself? All right then. I’ll
disclose my super secret Butternut Squash Soup Recipe. Guaranteed to rock you
Butternut Squash Soup
1 Butternut
1 Medium Onion
4 Cloves Garlic
32 oz. Chicken
Broth (more or less)
1 Tbsps. Coconut
2 Cups Kale
(washed and torn)
2 Tbsps. Honey
1 tsp. Red Pepper
Feta Cheese
Toasted Pecans
squash, cut in half and scrape out seeds. Cut in cubes and put in a large
sauce pan with the chicken broth to cover. Boil until very tender. While that
is cooking, sauté your onions and half the garlic in the coconut oil until caramelized.
Dump the caramelized onions into the pan with the squash. In the same pan you
cooked the onions, cook a few chopped up slices of bacon until crispy. Dump
the Kale into the pan with the squash and the remaining garlic. Blend up with
a stick blender until nice and smooth. If you don’t have a stick blender,
carefully blend small batches of the soup in a canister blender. If you put
too much hot soup in a canister blender you are asking for a napalm bath so
be careful.
blended, add honey, red pepper flake and salt and pepper to taste. Serve with
a sprinkle of Feta cheese, bacon and toasted pecans on top. Enjoy!
in preparation for this article, I have a batch in my very own kitchen. In fact
the cup I photographed was very delicious just a few minutes ago. I did forget
to put the pecans on top so I will have to go make another cup for myself. What
a shame.
QUICK TIP: Earlier in the week I made a Black
Bean Soup which I’ll share at another time. But when I make soup, I try to make
a big batch and the extra gets put in pint wide mouth jars. I leave about an
inch and a half head space and freeze the jars. Then a few weeks later when I
want soup, BAM! There it is! 1 pint jar makes a nice big bowl but I usually
just eat about half at a time with some form of protein on the side. Those jars
are also nice to share with friends. Mine get pretty jazzed when they see one
of those jars coming their way. I also mix up salad dressing in pint jars.
you have it. Stay warm and feed your body the stuff that comforts you inside
and out. Good wholesome and nutritious food will always satisfy more deeply
than the fast packaged convenience food.
P.S. Go ahead and share the recipe and my blog too while you're at it! ;)
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